weekly retrospect 04

If I keep going with that pace six or seven „weekly“ retrospects will be enough to cover all of 2010 XP

In my universe I’m the sun

In Japan I started to love Sundays. It was my day of the week with tea, ham & eggs, some letter writing and crocheting. Now that I’m back home and don’t lead a single life anymore (♥) things have changed a bit of course ^^ Now my shiny Sunday’s start with sleeping in and a good breakfast in bed (no moaning about crumbs in the bed, please ;P). Actually I wonder if there’s anything better than to start your day with a yummy breakfast in bed.

And yes, we do this every week. It has already turned into a kind of habit, I guess. There…look, in the right corner of the next picture, it’s the ripple blanket I’m working on. But more about it in another post. (Ch. just saw the „we“ and had to smile, because he’s got a place in my little, magical world now: on- and offline ^^)
My quite and relaxing weekend with good food, crochet and my Xbox was important contrastive program after an eventful week with A.’s visit, meetings with some of my friends, a birthday and work – all of this in combination with a slight cold. You can see it’s getting stressful again, so I have to find ways to compensate.


I’m at a point with my Japanese studies where I don’t spend hours over grammar and Kanji books but can enjoy what I like most about mastering a foreign language – read novels in the original tongue. Well, actually the book I’ve started to read is a non-fiction book called 「自分」を変える100の質問 which means 100 questions that will change „your self“ (buy at amazon.jp). I look up every word I don’t know and create vocabulary lists. It’s a nice way to study and memorize new words. The plan is to read one chapter = one of the 100 questions every day.

Entertain me

Finally I bought an Xbox 360, the new slim model and I simply love it ♥ It’s connected to my old TV so far which means I can only play games that support 50Hz ( I’m so lucky I can play Final Fantasy XIII) but even with an old television it’s pure eye candy. If anyone wants to add me as a friend on Xbox live: my username is as usual schildmaid.

This weeks Oricon single charts are even better than usual. I listen to SMAP’s No. 1 hit This Is Love over and over again and can’t get enough of the catchy tune that reminds me of Michael Jackson’s Black Or White. Besides that you can find Plan B – Prayin‘, Fettes Brot – Jein and Tocotronic – Im Zweifel für den Zweifel on my playlist.

This week’s Top 10 in Japan

  1. This Is Love – SMAP (♥)
  2. NO, Thank You! – HO-KAGO TEA TIME (♥)
  4. Kimi Ga Iru – Ikimonogakari (♥)
  5. if – Kana Nishino (♥)
  6. Kimi Shika – No Sleeves
  7. Pool Side Daisakusen – IDOLING!!!
  8. Ato Hitotsu – FUNKY MONKEY BABYS (♥)
  9. One in a million – Tomohisa Yamashita
  10. Ai No Uta – Shinsengumi Rian

Those songs marked with a heart got a five stars rating on my ipod, so this weeks charts are worth it ^^

Alles Liebe,

4 Gedanken zu „weekly retrospect 04

  1. Mina sagt:

    jetzt echt? *g* Bist du dann so, dass du nach dem Aufwachen hibbelig wirst und anpacken musst? Manchmal geht es mir auch so, vor allem, wenn viel zu erledigen ist. Aber wenn ich einen Sonntag von Haus aus zum Gammeltag erkoren habe, ist Frühstück im Bett einfach das tollste ^^

  2. Fianna sagt:

    Ah, ein Eintrag! :D
    Schön zu lesen, dass es dir so gut geht und momentan alles so super läuft für dich. =) Ich hab übrigens noch dein Buch bei mir. Vielleicht hast du ja irgendwann mal Zeit, dann könnte ichs dir vorbeibringen. ^^ Ich hab dich ja auch ewig schon nicht mehr gesehen, und würde mich natürlich sehr über ein Treffen freuen, falls du das irgendwo noch reingequetscht bekommst (es eilt natürlich nicht). Es scheint ja einiges los zu sein bei dir. ^^

    Die Ripple Decke sieht ja herzallerliebst aus. <3 Vielleicht sollte ich sowas auch mal versuchen. *grübel* Ist sicher viel Arbeit oder?

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