A place to eat, pray, love

Well, actually this post is more about a space to learn, but because I picked up my copy of Elizabeth Gilbert’s „eat, pray, love“ today it was too tempting to make up a titel with a hint to the book.

Tonight I’m here to show you my work space for a minute. This afternoon I removed everything from my desk and the shelf above and started to clean, sort through everything and throw a whole bunch of things away. It’ll be the start of the new semester soon and I wanted to free my writing desk from all the clutter that had piled up over the last weeks. I need a place where I feel good, where it’s easy to concentrate and fun to learn. Maybe it’s the most personal place in my apartment and I wanted it to be perfect. :D

Time managment isn’t my strong point. That’s why I bought a Moleskine Daily Planner (via ebay, because the clerk in the book store looked shocked when I asked for a 2010 calendar in September >< ) I’m prepared for fall with some adorable stickers and have started to integrate all the stuff I had bought in Japan, hence for example the basket and the cute fairy tale index markers. ;)

But it’s the little details that make everything so adorable and fresh, like the pinky street figure Kotori had given to me as a birthday present :gift: かわいいでしょう?

I’m in a very good mood today. Tomorrow’s my first day in the online department of a publishing company (GeraNova Bruckmann) and I’m really looking forward to my new job :3
Have a good night everyone!

Alles Liebe,

Veröffentlicht in: Leben

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