Monday and start of a new week with 27°C *weee* Finally a day warm enough to wear flip flops and my new long skirt I had to bike to school alone as A. is still sick in bed and one of my wheels made strange movements while I cycled but I arrived safely at school and class was fun as usual. I was accused of having a dirty mind, found out that Asian people don’t seem to know what the Kama Sutra is (for a version with more pictures use the Hungarian wikipedia, please ;P…I did some research *cough* and holy moly, there’s a whole chapter only on biting and scratching) and was lmao of when M. replied to the question if anyone of us has got children yet „ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã€ã‚ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚““ (which means something like I don’t know if I have any children but it’s possible)
I was out for lunch with some classmates at the Udonya that is more or less just around the corner but so far I hadn’t been there. My ramen (wait, I ordered soba but got ramen?) was yummy and only 320 Yen, I’ll be sure to go there again soon. Whenever I see S.-kun, who was with me at lunch, I have to think of Tim Mälzer…actually he looks like an Asian version of him. And with H.-chan (the cute guy with the freckles who is simply adorable when you poke him ;P) being another German in my class I had someone who agreed *lol*
After school P. offered to help me with my bike which makes him my hero for the third time within a couple of days <3 You see, I’m treated like a princess and have a really good time. I spent parts of the afternoon sitting outside in the sun and the rest of it talking to one of my best friends (who is unfortunately back in Canada…but yay for modern communication and internet).
I know I use this word inflationary at the moment…but I’m happy. ^^

Sieht sehr lecker aus – aber was ist dieses halbrunde weiß/rosa Ding? o_O
Schön, dass man wieder was von dir hört, ich hab mich richtig gefreut heute.
uhhhh die lauchzwiebeln wären jetz wieda ned des meine…
aba des weiß/rosa ding hab i a scho gessn XD
dad jetz a gern wissn was i da gegessn hab??><
Also von der Konsistenz her ist es irgendwie wie Ei, H.-chan meinte aber gestern es wäre Fisch!