Embroidered Book Covers

I really love it when my hobbies come together. For example in form of Star Wars Custom My little Ponies or knitted Space Invaders scarfs. This time emroidery meets book cover art. Canadian artist Jillian Tamaki was asked to design the covers for the new Penguin Threads Classic Book Edition. The covers will be sculped embossed so it actually feels like real embroidery ♥

She’s done Emma by Jane Austen:

The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett:

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell:

I think they are beautiful and I really consider pre-ordering them (available from October 25th 2011). What do you think of this art-crossover?

Alles Liebe,

6 Gedanken zu „Embroidered Book Covers

  1. Suey sagt:

    They would be like jewels in my bookshelf :heart_pink: :heart_pale: . Especially because I love the english classics so much and try to collect them :) But they would be too good to read them, you know, because after I finish reading a book, the book looks used. Really used. :/

    • Mina sagt:

      I’ve got similar thoughts. I use to read on the train so I take my books with me in my bag…and that’s what they look like afterwards. And at home I read in the bathtub xD But like you said: jewels :heart_bubble:

  2. Rabea sagt:

    Wooow, sieht das schön aus…und der Geheime Garten ist dabei. Eins meiner Lieblingsbücher :heart_pink:
    Bei den Büchern wäre ich noch pingeliger als überhaupt schon :)

  3. steffi sagt:

    hi. die sind wirklich wirklich schön :-)
    wir haben uns inzwischen ein kindle angeschafft, weil ich dachte, dass wäre praktisch für meinen bücherkonsum, aber ich mag einfach auch schön gestaltete bücher. das gehört zum lesen irgendwie dazu. und das hier ist nochmal besser !
    lg steffi

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