Challenges 2011: I’m in…English- & ABC-Challenge


There are two book challenges I’d like to take part in. One is the I’m in…English Challenge, the other one the ABC-Challenge. In both cases I have to read at least 12 books and – that’s the best ;) – I can use the same books for both challenges xD

The point of I’m in… is to read English books on a regular basis, in other words: once a month. The goal of the ABC-challenge is to read books which names start with different letters (you see, simply an excuse to read books ;)), preferably 26 but at least 12. Let’s see what’s on my TBR (to be read-pile) or in German SuB (= Stapel ungelesener Bücher):

Hm, it’s not as easy as I thought to find more books with different letters (and please do not wonder about my choice which letter ist the one, you can find the rules on the challange site) I really want to read this year.


ABC-Challenge: 14 out of 26 letters (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)
I’m in…English Challenge: 12 out of 12 months

Additional reads:

Not read:

Alles Liebe,

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:) :D ;) :3 xD O_O :O >< ><* ;( x_x -_- :zzz: :heart_bubble: :heart_pink: :heart_pale: :star: :letter: :mail: :doc: :book: :note: :sun: :cup: :cupcake: :cherry: :yurei: :skull: :gift: :kuma: :usagi: :neko: :girl: :boy: :kinoko: :sprout: :house: :cal: :disk: :file: :pen: :warning: :arr_down: :arr_up: :arr_left: :arr_right: more »

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