Today was the first real school day, with all classmates present and the correct textbooks. The vocabulary quiz in the morning turned out to be not dramatic at all, but because I was nervous I made stupid mistakes and now I’m angry about myself. I could have done better! Time really flew by and after school you can already guess…WHAT? No, not shopping again, but I met Sarah and Anna and together we set off with our bikes in direction to Okazaki castle. After a 20 to 25 minute ride we arrived at Otogawa, Okazaki’s river and to stand on the huge bridge and look down at the riverbed, where in ancient times the harbor had been, was beautiful.
We crossed the bridge and turned right, because we had already gotten a glimpse of the castle’s roof. On our way through narrow streets we found out…where Santa Clause lives (according to Bibi Blocksberg at least where the Japanese one lives)…
…that Japanese spiders are all very huge (we’ve seen several of them and I hope to never find one in my room)…
…and that Panasonic seems to produce about everything, including Sarah’s bike saddle…
…and my basket ^^ (look how saucily Little Red Ridinghood peeks out of the back)!
Finally we arrived at the castle and enjoyed a good time walking around and taking a close look at everything, including the attached Shinto shrine. By the way Okazaki is the birthplace of famous Tokugawa Ieyasu.
This is of course me beneath the toori.
Here Sarah and I wash our hands for ritual purification. ( I was so excited to finally do it) we saw some Japanese that even took some water into their mouths and spat it out afterwards, but I didn’t.
In front of the main hall there’s a offertory box and above an enormouss bell that people ring after their prayer so the kami (gods) will hear them. There were many Japanese who came to do it so I felt ashamed to pray there as a foreigner, but perhaps another time. (I would have loved to ring the bell XD)
To be honest, I had the castle expected to be a bit bigger, but that’s just how it is. Sarah kisses a giant stone turtle in the lower right corner of the picture ^^
That tree was shaped like a tuning fork XD
The surroundings of the shrine/castle are very beautiful and I can imagine to spend time there again.
Near the castle I found a new manhole cover, this time with the castle and a ship, I guess to remind of the old harbor just next to it.
We crossed the river again, this time on a smaller bridge intended for pedestrians and bikers and stopped because there were plenty of monstrous koi carps in the water, all over one meter long. Most of them were black, but I was able to see a yellow, a white and a red one, too.
On the bridge suddenly a woman talked to me in Japanese and asked from which country we are and what we do in Okazaki. I had fun to talk to a totally unknown person and it turned out to be, that she’s a teacher of English and looks for foreigners that like to present their country (in English) in her class. She asked all three of us to come and we will get some money for it XD
After that we were in an adventurous mood, so we took off to explore more of Okazaki…and almost got lost. We were three hours on our bikes today…hills up…hills down (oh my God, due to a road hole my camera flew out of my bag and landed on the street, when a car was turning exactly into the street I had just crossed; the car missed the camera only buy some centimeters….lucky!!!!)
When we were more or less lost a big „Aeon Mall“-sign showed us the correct way home XD
3 hours on the bike…I guess that’s more than I spend on it the entire summer at home *lol* My legs will be made of steel when I return to Germany.
Sorry, no cute shopping today. .. XD
Alles Liebe,
I loved reading you post so much, it’s very nice to share your experiences with everybody this way. All the photos are so beautiful, although I’m not a Japan fan at all, I like the kind of castles. Your adventurous day with your new friends look so nice, it look like holidays and going to school at the same time. And I’m really happy that you found Sarah and Anna, I hope you’ll always get along well with them and that they’ll be life time friends as you’re from the same country. I like seing photos of you, I have so few (at least it’s too few to me…)
Es muss nicht immer Shopping sein. Ich finde, das Land bietet so viel an schönen Dingen, man kann sich gar nicht satt sehen.
Süß ist auch immer, mit wie viel Liebe zum Detail da Schilder und Plakate erstellt werden *lach*
Das war aber ein schöner Ausflug *schwärm* Diese tollen Parkanlagen um die Burg herum machen echt was her. Genauso wie der Schrein.
Toll das du so viele Fotos machst und ich muss mich Salomé anschließen…ich finde es auch toll, dass du Leute gefunden hast, mit denen es direkt mehr Spaß macht die Umgebung zu erkunden :-)
Sag mal, kommst du auch mal nach Tokyo? Das wäre natürlich ein Ding. Aber anscheinend hat die Umgebung da genauso viel zu bieten…nur ruhiger *lach*
I got legs of steel … kannst dann sagen wenn du heimkommst Ich war heuer irgendwie auch total wenig radeln fällt mir auf … dafür war ich öfters laufen, des zählt auch.
Der heutige Ausflug war ja wirklich toll. sogar die Gullideckel sind schön in Japan Zum Glück habt ihr auch wieder heimgefunden.
Hab im gestrigen Post auf dem einen Foto gesehen, dass die Anna fast die gleiche Brille hat wie ich *like*
Ist immer wieder schön deine Berichte zu lesen
Ich hab grad nebenbei noch ein verspätetes Abendessen gekriegt nach mehreren Stunden telefonieren. Jetzt noch bissl Video schaun und dann geh ich ins Bett, muss morgen früh raus. Meine Eltern zwingen mich morgen auf so eine blöde Zeitarbeitsmesse in München zu gehen. Allzuviel versprech ich mir nicht davon, aber was solls.
Wie weit ist Japan eigentlich voraus? Acht Stunden? Bin ned ganz sicher, weil der Knopf für Tokyo an meiner Uhr zu denen gehört die nicht mehr funktionieren :(
Im übrigen hast du meinen Geburtstag vergessen.
bin a böse–habm a vergessn-.-„